Sunday, October 11, 2009

aha! Nicki Minaj is a lezzy && i love it

this is a vid majority of us have seen before when it was disputed on if Remy Ma was gay or not. Well.... it was brought to my attention that the chic in the video is in fact Nicki Minaj. You can hear it in her voice! You can see the lips! Now IDK if she was a stud then or what, maybe she was just having a bad day [most bad bitches never look this bad tho] . hmm... check the vid.

and this is here in a more recent video where she makes no mention to any other female rapper.... except Remy Ma. aight boo, i see you!

I just wanna know why it is still unacceptable to be a stud in society. It's 2009. I feel like everybody should be over it by now! A friend of mine recently transformed her identity from stud to fem and she says she did it to get further in her career and have things easier for her. I understand slightly where she coming from. Image matters and in the back of a lot of people's mind they are still uncomfortable with open sexuality. It's okay to sit up and talk about all sorts of obscenities as long as it's hetrosexual. That's not cool. I cant wait til the day I see a majorly successful AG female. I will cry tears of joy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

shes nt even 4rm da BX shes 4rm Queens....