Monday, November 24, 2008

Music Monday! ep.2

Annnd welcome to Chinksz's edition of Music Monday where I bring you new and fresh music once a week! Please forgive me in advance for the raunchiness of this song that Im bringing you.

The title is "Dance With No Panties On" by Mac Maine Feat. Pleasure P. I myself am not a stripper... but if i was... this would DEFINITELY be my shiit! When i turn 21... them BOOTYful young ladies are getting some of my check. No lie. I fall in love every time I see one.

Next. Earlier this week i brought you an artist of the week. His name was Drake. My next song is Drake and Lil Wayne off the Dedication 4. That boy Drake got flow.

I love this song by Kelly Rowland. I have always been a fan and she definitely has a hit with this one. She's recently been doing a lot of work internationally. She's finding much more success outside of the US as is Solange. The title of this track is Blaze and it's definitely fire!

and that concludes this week's episode of Music Monday! Hope you enjoyed. Have a good day!


She W0rd Hustlez said...

What up girl? I granted you with an honest blogger award on my latest post. Go check it out.

Bang Bang said...

I love Drake I like how I actually have to think when I hear him rapping....