Thursday, October 9, 2008

self [diagnosed] hatersz

Ok, I'm sure you've all ran across one before. You know the type, that always claim to have all these "haters" yet you find yourself wondering "what is there to hate?" It's like... if you're at the same socioeconomic level as I am, doing the same shit day to day and struggling with the same issues.... WHY do you think anybody as hating? Speaking for myself, I'm 19, a college sophomore who is well on her way to accomplishing all her dreams; what is there to be envious of anybody for? Bitch if yu got something I don't have i'm going to congratulate you because obviously you are on your shit. The common thing I hear people say they are getting hated on for is their looks... When I see a pretty girl... my first thing is to try to get at her. Not envy her. I'm a pretty girl my damn self so anywhere your looks can take you, mine can take me. I'm in college so I'm pretty sure anything you know I can learn if I don't already know and when I graduate I will have stacks on deck so whatever car your [daddy] bought you, I will be able to buy myself in due time.

Now if a bitch EVER gets beside herself and calls CHINKSZ a hater its because one of two things; either I took note of her 'superior than thou' demeanor (which i hate) and gave her one of my looks of death OR I straight up told her ass to get off her high horse! These girls be in the same club with everyone else... shopping at the same stores, driving themselves down the same streets, fucking the same bitches and SWEAR that somebody has a reason to hate. Honey, if im gonna hate its because yu ar eat least 5'11, less than 170 lbs, with legs with no scars,cellulite or varicose vains, and you aint never had no mosquito bites or chicken pox, and ya ass is tight and ya titties is perky with no stretch marks, and you dnt sweat too much and you got good hygiene and your smile is gorgeous your makeup is on good, your style is immaculate and your money is looking right with long thick beautiful hair that you grew yourself, you dont have to shave your mustache off or draw your eyebrows on, you're nice to people and don't sleep around, you go to church on Sunday and you dont worship the devil. If yu got all that going then i might have to marry your ass!

Insecure girls hate. I call it like it is, even if I dont like the situation. Hating is petty and childish. If you on yo shit, you on it and I need to be listening and learning instead of trying to bring you down. Take note bitches. You might learn something. Here is my video for the day.


She W0rd Hustlez said...

You know what man? This has always bothered the hell out of me. Why people always think that they have something that everyone wants. The thing is they WISH people were paying that much attention to them. So they come up with these ridiculous lies that everyone and their mothers are hating on them and the person they are. Truth of the matter is; nobody gives a fuck! More than likely, they never will.


Can You Preach??? Tell them again??? say it one more time? fuckin idiots