Monday, October 6, 2008

Truth is

I hate the way this situation played out and I was painted as the villian.
More so I hate the fact that I was too scared to verbalize my feelings toward [the virgo] and allowed the situation to get out of fucking hand.
Truth is... I liked [the virgo] a lot.
But my fear or rejection and inability to step up to the plate or to be seen as weak allowed me to fall back and let shit get twisted.
In the end I ended up looking like the pussy and the fool.
Truth is.
I need to start being real.
Fuck the world.
True story


She W0rd Hustlez said...

Omggg!!! I'm so happy you're on blogspot!!! Now I can REALLY keep up!!!

She W0rd Hustlez said...

Oh and yes, you can't go wrong with being real. Fuck what the world thinks of you because of that. If you leave this earth tomorrow, at least you know that you were being real.